Thursday 12 February 2015

Work out!

Finding the motivation and time to work out and get toned is hard work during the dull cold month that is February! Want to join us fighting the flab? here are our fave 4 belly blitzing workouts you can do at home to get those stomach muscles burning! sounds fun right? ....

The abdominal hold: 

sounds awful, and feel quite awful too!!!

  •  Sit tall on the edge of a sturdy chair and place your hands on the edge with your fingers pointing toward your knees.
  •  Tighten your abs and bring your toes a couple of inches off the floor. Lift your bum off the chair.
  •  Hold this position for as long as you can — ouch!
  • Lower yourself down and repeat this action
  • Continue this exercise for around 1-2 minutes.

Opposite arm and leg raise:

  • Begin on all fours and align your knees underneath your hips and your wrists underneath your shoulders.
  • Raise your left arm to shoulder height and your right leg to hip height.
  • Hold this position for 2 counts, reach forward with your fingers and as far back with your heels.
  • Repeat this on the opposite side
  • Do 15-20 reps depending on how comfortable you feel 

The Plank:

  • Get into a full push up position with your palms flat on the floor and your tip toes.
  • Hold this position for up to 1 minute, progression is key.
  • If you're really hench try shifting to one arm!!!

 Extreme CRUNCH!
  • Lie on the floor with around a 3ft long scarf/towel and wrap around the ball of your right foot. 
  • Keep your left foot on the floor
  • Hold the scarf with both hands, lift your head and shoulders off the floor using the scarf. Hold this for the count of 2
  • Now lower yourself back down to the lying position, do this by walking your hands back down the scarf.
  • Do this exercise on each side for around 8-10 reps a day. 

Just in case this hasn't motivated you, here are some #fitnessmotivations

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